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Scary God

Discover the great wonder and wild freedom the fear of the Lord can bring.

God’s character is like a mighty diamond—a glorious convergence of respect, awe, reverence, adoration, thanksgiving, and yes, fear.


Yet why is it so difficult to reconcile the wrath of God with the love of God?

As Mattie teaches, it is simply a continual awareness of Jesus, our mighty Warrior King.


We should not be afraid to come to God; rather we should be afraid to be against Him.

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Lovely Things In Ugly Places

During his 10-year career as the frontman of acclaimed metal/hardcore band, For Today, Mattie Montgomery spent countless nights in bars and night clubs all around the world, sharing the love of Christ with a largely secular subculture—one that has been all but forgotten by much of the modern church.


In Lovely Things in Ugly Places, he invites us to come with him as he revisits the moments in his ministry (some incredible, some hilarious, and some tragic), that shaped him most substantially.


Known for his bold and fearless proclamation of the Gospel, Montgomery writes with vulnerability and transparency, beckoning the Body of Christ into a radical lifestyle of love. He challenges his readers to lay down the labels we use to identify people, and to see them (and ourselves) as God does, reminding us that, if we are willing to look, we too will find Lovely Things in Ugly Places.

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